Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Reebok Showroom Launch, 17th September

Oops i was a naughty member of Focus last night. I missed my own Fashion week party in place of a new swanky showroom launch for Reebok footwear. Converse Century were holding a free booze, gig fest down at Rough Trade, Bricklane to follow on from the 2 day press launch.

All intent with going down for a social and a networking session alongside my colleagues, i thought i would take up Terry's offer for a quick drink beforehand, at the brand spanking new Reebok showroom on Great Eastern Street, East London.

The crowd was a mixture of particularly arty farty PR and media types so i fitted right in, though Terry and his gang weren't so keen. However with drinks flowing we all soon got a bit carried away, getting snaps in most corners of the showroom, dancing about, having a bust up and yes you've guessed it, missing the Converse bash.

It was a pretty eventful night. The showroom looks really slick, some of the shoes on display were really cool and the curved walls and alcoves added a certain special something to the building.

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