Thursday, January 25, 2007

NYE Fancy Dress Party 31/12/06

NYE is traditionally a night of constant let downs, with extortionate prices just to go anywhere outside your own back door. This year I decided to do things differently and when the invitation to a fancy dress house party came my way it didn’t take too much persuasion to get me out for the last night in 2006.

Hosted in Camden I was a bit weary as to what this fancy dress costume really meant. I didn’t want to stick out like a sore thumb, but didn’t want to be the only person without a costume, so I opted for an evening spent over the web scanning the various costume websites on offer.

Several hours later I found what I was looking for and couldn’t wait for the party to show it off to all my friends. To my surprise everyone had made just as much effort as myself. In amongst all the fancy glad rags there was a streaking Granny, a female Evil Knievel, Pocahontas, a saggy bottomed cowboy, a monk, a golfer and a gangster Mexican already there when I arrived.

The party kicked off with classic beats like the Ghostbusters soundtrack and Prince’s 1999. I was dressed as an NYPD cop and my outfit came second in a fancy dress competition that apparently ran sometime after midnight.

As the countdown began for 2007, some people unfortunate not to have a clear view of the television began celebrating about 15 seconds before the twelfth chime of Big Ben resulting in Brett the monk DJ mixing in The Final Countdown a bit to early. Oh well he wasn’t too far off the mark.

The rest of the night is a bit of a blur as it all happened so fast. I remember taking a video of Evil Knievel on this Motorbike outside in the street, when this random guy came round the corner to claim that Evil had scratched the front his bike. Now I knew for a fact that Evil had done no such thing, but didn’t want to join in with the debate that followed. I heard the next morning that an hour-long argument pursued about lawsuits and court orders, only for that random guy to announce that it wasn’t his bike after all. Some people have just too much time on their hands!

The party went on until 7.30am, but there were very few, including myself who had the energy to stay up that late/early on NYD 2007. It was a funny night, definitely better than my initial plan of braving the crowds and rain by the river Thames.

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